-LIFE IS TOO SHORT.- 8/20-2011

Yooooooooo lol, naw I'm just playing. But, ayo life is too short for folks to be wasting time……..wasting time! When you know exactly what you want to do, career wise, do it! Don't let people stop you & more importantly DO NOT STOP YOURSELF! Work hard, Keep Your Head Up, Believe, and you will Achieve! when you have that person that you want to be with for the rest of your life………..Go for it! What's stopping you? Ok…..truth is there can be a lot stopping someone, but you have to get that out of the way because LIFE IS TOO SHORT! (Like The rapper) :] Don't sit there saying you Coulda, Shoulda, or Woulda………….Do it, take action, otherwise you may as well be dead……………..I'm just saying.





#life #is #too #short #bobmarley